Tom Pike

It shall be the duty of the Chapter Director to preside at all meetings of the Chapter and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the Chapter, and such officer shall be the chief executive officer of the Chapter. The Director shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall make an annual report covering the business of the Chapter for the year, and recommendations for the ensuing year, which shall be read at the annual meeting and a copy thereof immediately forwarded to the Department adjutant. The Director shall perform such other duties as directed by the Chapter.


Mark Davis

The Assistant Director shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of commander in the absence or disability of, or when called upon by the Chapter commander.


Daniel “Vig” Vigil

The Secretary shall have charge of and keep a full and correct record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep such records as the Post and Department organizations may require, and under direction of the Director handle all correspondence of the Chapter.


Elsie Mersereau

The Treasurer shall have charge of all finances and see that they are safely deposited in some local bank or banks and shall report once a month to the Chapter Executive Committee the condition of the finances of the Chapter, with such recommendations as he or she may deem expedient or necessary to carry on the financial activities of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall be a signer for all checks disbursing the monies of the Chapter, and shall be provided such surety bonds in such amounts as shall be fixed by the Chapter Executive Committee and obtained by the Chapter. The Treasurer prepares the Chapter’s monthly financial report for the sponsoring department/post Executive Committee.


Bruce Mersereau

The Post 177 American Legion Riders Road Captain shall plan all tours, runs, activities, and events; lead the Chapter in formation riding or parades; arouse interest in activities; enforce all rules of safe motorcycle operation and group riding. Additionally, the Road Captain may select assistants to aid in special tasks and may chair appropriate activities committees as directed by the Chapter Director or Executive Committee.


Michael “Nick” Nicholas

The Chapter Chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the Chapter comrades and will offer divine but nonsectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., adhere to such ceremonial rituals as are recommended by the National or Department headquarters from time to time.


Wilbur Scales

The Sergeant-at-arms shall preserve order at meetings and gatherings, assist the Road Captain in enforcing all rules of safe riding during rides and runs; and perform such other duties or chair such committees as may be from time to time assigned by the Director or Chapter Executive Committee.

Appointed Positions

Webmaster – Mark Davis

Photographer/Historian – Tim Park